Our Service Projects
The Pioneer Lions Club has been involved with many projects for
the benefit of our community. Our continued objective is to provide "SERVICE
We have always and will continue to follow the Lion Motto of "WE
Some of our many projects include:
| A scholarship was started in 1977, and is awarded to a member of
the senior class at North Central Schools each year. North Central Schools are
located in Pioneer Ohio.
| We contribute to various state projects each year.
| Donated to the Pioneer Fire Department for various safety
| Participate in local parades each year.
| Donate to needy families during the Christmas Holiday season.
| Are active in the "BE THANKFUL YOU CAN SEE" project
each year.
| Subscribe to Readers Digest (Large Print Edition) for our local
| Initiated the Quest Program (Drug Awareness) in the North
Central Schools.
| Provide financial assistance for teacher training in the Quest
| Are involved in District and State offices and committees.
| Have donated countless eyeglasses and eye examinations for the
E-Mail us at pioneerlions@hotmail.com
This page was last updated 05/31/98 12:31 AM